Guiding Principles

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Faculty for Justice in Palestine at Grand Valley State University (FJP-GVSU)

FJP-GVSU Guiding Principles

FJP-GVSU is a democratic and plural collective of GVSU faculty who support the cause of Palestinian liberation and who are aligned with the Faculty for Justice in Palestine Network . We define faculty broadly to include all those involved in creating GVSU’s teaching and learning environments. Further, FJP-GVSU seeks to participate in cross-campus coalitions with allies at other colleges and universities.

FJP-GVSU supports, amplifies, and is inspired by the work of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), and other student groups at Grand Valley who are calling for Palestinian liberation.

FJP-GVSU calls for an end to Israel’s colonization and military occupation of Palestinian land and its apartheid rule over the Palestinians living in historical Palestine. In addition, we call for the right of return of Palestinian refugees to finally be respected and for mechanisms of return to be implemented.

FJP-GVSU understands the struggle for Palestinian liberation from settler-colonialism and apartheid to be aligned with anti-colonial movements and liberation struggles around the world. These include movements for Indigenous land rights, Black liberation, gender and sexual freedom, disability justice, immigrant and refugee justice, and a livable and sustainable planet.

As an anti-racist organization, FJP-GVSU stands against racism and oppression in all of their manifestations, including anti-Palestinian racism and antisemitism, and we emphatically reject the conflation of principled support for Palestinian liberation and criticism of Israel with anti-Jewish bigotry.

In pursuit of these principles and calls, our chapter of FJP supports and endorses the principles of BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions). We are especially supportive of the academic and cultural boycotts of Israeli institutions as outlined by The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), which challenges Israeli apartheid via academic, cultural, sports & anti-pinkwashing campaigns. In addition, we demand GVSU’s disclosure of and divestment from any investments that are tied to the ongoing oppression of, and military attacks on, the Palestinian people. 

FJP-GVSU strives to protect and defend students, faculty, and staff who engage in speech and activity for Palestine and Palestinians, including BDS organizing. We support and defend the right to teach and talk about interlocking global systems of oppression, including those related to Palestine.

FJP-GVSU affirms that the most securely employed among us must protect more vulnerable members at all times.